What We Do
Over the last few decades Bibles have been reprinted in thousands of different languages for many different people groups. As a church we have done an incredible job translating the Word of God for His people. With huge strides in reprinting and re-translating we still see a whole church communities that struggle to obtain Bibles for their congregations. Disciples' Promise partners with those impacted church communities and the Biblical publishers to get the Bible in the hands of those who desire it. Over the last five years we have worked with local churches in Uganda and Zambia to distribute God's Word.
Zambia Program
Established in 2017, five years after our initial launch, Zambia is our newest program. As we decided to distribute in country, we've partnered with a few congregations to distribute Bibles exclusively to their churches. As an experiment, we are testing whether or not a holistic denomination model works better.
Uganda Program
Started in 2012, Uganda is our oldest program to date and it's where we have distributed the most Bibles. Towards the end of 2018 are hope is to have more than 3000 Bibles distributed to the churches in the western districts, where we work the most. We partner with Pastor Robert Kaahwa and C3 Masindi church.
Global Impact
Today, there are estimated to be 7.2 billion people in the world, out of those 1.5 billion have little to no access to the Bible. Most of these areas where there is no access to a Bible are restricted from preaching, promoting or distributing God's Holy Word. Breaking this down further 2.8 billion people live under the poverty line (less than $2 a day) which makes it hard to even afford a Bible even if they are available. In the countries we distribute, most of the citizens fall under that poverty line, so we purchase and distribute each Bible to them and the churches we work within. As of today, Disciples' Promise works in two countries: Uganda and Zambia. We partner with the local pastors on the ground to supply Bibles where they feel the need is the highest in their communities.
Bible Access and People Groups
*Numbers and stats taken from Wycliffe Bible Translators and The Joshua Tree Project.